The Windmills of Your Mind/Les Moulin de mon cœur

“The Windmills of Your Mind” is a song with music by French composer Michel Legrand and English lyrics written by Americans Alan and Marilyn Bergman . The French lyrics, under the title “Les Moulins de mon cœur”, were written by Eddy Marnay. The song (with the English lyrics) was introduced in the film The Thomas Crown Affair (1968), and won the Academy Award for Best Original Song in the same year. In 2004, “Windmills of Your Mind” was ranked 57 in AFI’s 100 Years…..100 Songs survey of top songs in American cinema. A cover by Sting was used in the 1999 remake 0f The Thomas Crown Affair.

Michel Jean Legrand (born 24 February 1932 in Paris – died 26 January 2019 in Paris) was a French musical composer, arranger, conductor, and jazz pianist. Legrand was a prolific composer, having written over 200 films and television scores, in addition to many songs. His scores for the films of French New wave director Jacques Demay, The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964) and The Young Girls of Rochefort (1967), earned Legrand his first Academy Award nominations. Legrand won his first Oscar for the song “The Windmills of Your Mind” from  The Thomas Crown Affair (1968).


YouTube channel : museensemble1

Stella Australis


當Pujol 還小的時候,某天在他位於阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯家中的儲物室內發現了一把舊結他,這把結他是他父親年輕時夢想成為探戈歌手的紀念物,父親作為牙醫的同時亦經常演唱探戈娛樂他的親朋戚友,父親因為想再次聽見這把舊結他的聲音,於是送小Pujol去學習彈奏結他,小Pujol沒有辜負父親的期望,在9歲那年已經在家附近的社區公開演出。不久小Pujol還給了母親一個驚喜:在她生日那天他寫作了一首結他曲送給媽媽,獲得親友們一致讚賞,從此結他及作曲就離不開Pujol。

Pujol成長於一個探戈音樂充斥的氛圍環境,所以他的音樂亦深受探戈的影響,同時他的音樂亦使用現代新頴的和聲及嚴謹的結構,正如這首Stella Australis :樂曲分為兩部份,第一部份為抒情的E小調,簡單的旋律配上新穎的和聲。第二部份是輕快的E大調探戈舞曲。


YouTube channel : museensemble1